April 11, 2011

crisp monday

well, i started my half marathon training today. which almost sounds a little redundant to me because i already know i could do it, seeing as i skipped the "half" and went to the whole right off the bat last year. (best experience of my athletic career!) - the SLC Full 26.2 baby!

BUT- i got injured and other things took over my life, and although i have NEVER ever stopped regularly working out, i haven't had anything to train for. so i'm pretty excited for the Teton Dam Half that i'll be running in June, on the 11th! yay!

so i'm gonna blog a little (maybe a lot, idk) here and there about my training ect. Yesterday i mapped out my schedule and tried to hit the hay earlier than usual so that i could get up early today to run with my mom.

so after listening to everyone bang around getting ready for seminary, school and work (they are so LOUD) i literally rolled out of bed and into my running shoes. i loved my run today, there were a few moments where i could really feel the burn in my feet and occasionally in my lungs, but it overall was pretty regular. GO ME for being consistent in my cardio. i am however nervous about my right knee. apparently my dad says that i hit my foot weird in my stride, which i think is the source of the pain.

i need to figure that out.

but i just love california in the spring, man it was a be-a-utiful morning for a 6 mile run.

now i'm off to run some errands!

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