June 10, 2011

Choice 3b

Alma 5:57- How does the Lord want us to live apart from the world today?
-       The Lord calls out to the people who want to follow Christ and asks them to live separately from the wicked, worldly people. He tells them to touch not the unclean things and also tells them that the wicked will be blotted out. We as Latter-day Saints are asked to do the same things. We are not to participate in evil things that chase away the spirit. Some of those things are, watching movies that have bad ratings, sex, violence, drugs, bad language or any other thing that is sinful and has a negative affect on the spirit and us. We have standards of living that include abstaining from alcohol, drugs, coffee etc. We are to avoid anything that will take our control of our agency or actions and inhibit us from following God. Everyone has different things that can make that a challenge and so we are encouraged to make rules for ourselves. There are just so many things that are evil in this world and we are blessed to have the spirit to help guide us, and therefore need to live worthy of it. (202)

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