July 2, 2011


For this student choice assignment, I am doing choice 4c because I wanted to write about and study more about Ruth and her example. The question is, “how does Ruth’s example inspire righteousness in a world where there is great wickedness?” I feel that this is a really important thing to study and think about. There aren’t many women in the Bible whose lives and examples are recorded so when I get the chance to focus on them, I see great examples to follow and learn from. These women are one’s that we (as young women) should make into role models.
Ruth was a virtuous woman and I think that in the world today, that is a difficult life to lead. Especially if you are someone who feels the need to fit in. It’s hard when everyone around you has no value for being pure and tender hearted; when modesty is not considered attractive enough and when sex is the driving factor in tons of relationships, work environments and media. These are all signs of great wickedness and hard hearts that are far from God. Ruth was pure; she saved her virtue for her husband. She was humble and willing to sacrifice her own desires for others, especially God. That is something that I am trying to learn, especially right now in my life. It is extremely difficult and I admire that about Ruth so much.  (236)

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