February 5, 2009


i am so happy. i can't figure out how to put into words; believe me, i've tried several times. i think that learning how to make decisions based off of what i know i NEED and want has helped me greatly. surrounding myself with people who pull me up instead of pull me back or hold me down was the best thing i could've done. i have always known that i could be better than i was, and now i will be. improving the quality of our lives can only be done from within. we cannot rely on anyone else to do it for us. i can't believe how much time i wasted being in a place in life that wasn't making me truly happy. i spent so many months in unhappiness that i was worrying those around me, numb to the fact that i was sliding backwards. the past is good but its gone. there is no reason to dig it up or hold on to it. it will always be with me, but i don't want it to define me or my future. i will pick what i do with my life, heart, emotions and future. no one else will determine that. the only person that has a say in that is God.

i am so happy. i actually smile and laugh. i try hard to be happy and now its just so easy, its surprising.


Foot Handle Pete said...

Sure takes a lot less energy to be happy than it does not being happy, don't you think? I am very glad that you are feeling so good. Enjoy life. Love ya.

Foot Handle Pete said...


Renel said...

Being able to develop wisdom is a rare quality. Expressing your progress so eloquently is a precious talent.

You are so full of goodness and strength.

Thanks for being straightforward and inspiring.

I love you!

I knew you could do it.