March 27, 2009

Its good to be alive

It is the end of March and I almost have my first year of college under my belt. I cannot believe how fast time as flown and I am even more amazed at how far I have come as a person. Living alone and leaving behind a lifestyle that wasn't healthy has helped me grow up faster than I ever expected. College is hard but changing my heart has been even harder. I am so grateful for life and the beauty that comes with change. I am so much happier than I have been in a long time. The future seems a little bit closer and the past a little bit farther behind with every step I try to take. Usually it is in the right direction, but even the slip ups teach me about myself. Life is getting a little bit brighter with every new day. I still find myself thinking about the past, just not caring about it as much. Its good to be alive.

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