May 25, 2011

Choice 7C- Old Testament

In Omni 1:26 it teaches us that we need to offer our whole souls unto God when we come unto Christ. In order to “partake” of Christ’s salvation or atonement, we have to offer up our sins to him. If we don’t sacrifice, then we aren’t exercising the atonement on our part and are therefore not partaking in its blessings like we can and should be. We don’t continue to do blood sacrifices because Christ bled for us when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane taking on our sins and pain. We also don’t do them anymore because blood sacrificing was taken advantage of by the influence of Satan and the pride he egged on in people’s hearts in the scriptural times.
In 3 Nephi it tells us directly that God will not accept physical sacrifices of blood or burnt offerings. Instead, he wants us to come to him and accept the saving grace of the atonement by offering our hearts and by being humble. We have to show that we are ready to sacrifice our old ways and prove that we can do better. That is a sacrifice that will take more humility to offer as opposed to some material thing that will come back to you eventually or not really change anything in your life significantly.  (219)

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