September 21, 2007

ode to the antisocial and loving sisters

it has been a month since the start of my senior year. and let's say that even though i'm excited for college, i'm not in a hurry for it to end. i love being a kid, i don't want anything to change.

can i please be a kid forever?! i plan on finding the road to neverland and dragging everyone i love with me. i've decided that while being a teen in highschool can be really confusing and depressing at times, it's the best time of your life. so i'm going to enjoy every last second of it.

enough random ranting.

this blog is intended to tell everyone how lame i am.

and guess what world!

i don't care!!!

i like being lame.

i like not having to do anything.

i like going to watch really cute movies with my sisters while my parents golf.

i like shopping for really cute clothes at the mall with two cutie sisters in their matching red hawks shirts.

i like telling them i'll be in there for 2 second and coming out 20 minutes later.

i love finding the perfect sweater to go with my adorable dress for next weekend when spencer and i see jeresy boys.

( it was only $19.50 people! and it seriously goes perfectly!)

i also LOVE finding hollister flip flops for $4.50 when they are usually $15.

i love getting earrings in those buy one get one FREE deals.

who doesn't love free earrings? i saved $12.50 and these are cute ones guys.

i love getting random presents for people too...esp if it was 5 bucks but looks like it was 15 or 20!


oh and i love sale skirts that go ab-sooooo-lutely perfect with your other new clothes.

i also adore in n out with my sisters. yuuum.

so basically, i got to spend a ton of money on bargin clothes, hang out and have fun with my sisters, eat faty food items, watch an adorable movie and now procede to watch another one with lex and cc.

yes, i'd rather do all this instead of go to a "major" football game at OUR statium against fairfield high.

i'd rather be in comfy sweats watching cute movies with my cute sisters than freezing surrounded by loud people watching football.

i mean, i do want to watch the game and be with my friends...but this is better.

i love it.

i love not having obligations for once.


so is being anti social once in a while healthy? no?

tell me.

(P.S. this is one of my new favorite pictures i've taken, i love it. thoughts on this one??)


Mrs. Dub said...

love the pic.

also, love to be antisocial, even though i have a social personality. in high school, me and my bff would forgo parties to cruise the clearance racks at target. for real. and the funny part is everyone thought we had college boyfriends.

enjoy your senior year, m! i was in such a rush to finish mine that i missed out on a lot.

acte gratuit said...

Ahhh...I'm so glad you hung out with your cutie little sisters. They're going to remember that for a long time. (I can remember the three times my older sisters were nice to me!:)

Also, That picture is really cool! I like it a lot. Miss you!!!