January 14, 2009

I have learned a lot about life these last months:

- Idaho is cold.
- My family is the one constant in my life.
- School is important, but annoying.
- Having a car is a definite blessing, not having one well...its hell.
- Living alone with four girls...is an interesting adventure to put it nicely.
- Money is scarce and stupid.
- Debit cards are fun/ dangerous.
- Empty fridges DO exist. Trust me, I've seen them.
- Small towns are quaint/ boring.
- There is nothing to do in Idaho, unless you count walking to the park in the snow.
- Wal-Mart isn't always gross (that's just a California thing).
- Missing people gets really exhausting.
- Time flies fast when you don't watch the clock.
- Taco Bell is AMAZING. (well...i already knew that, but its still true to this day).
- Watch out for 25+ year old short guys that try to talk to you when they can tell there is no escape route available to you, especially if they tell you that they "felt impressed" to talk to you.
- Take advantage of all the moments that are given to you, you never know when you won't have any left.
- Tell every person in your life that you care about, well, that you love them. They need to hear it. You need to say it.

When the freezing temperature and the lack of sleep get you down this winter, remember this advice so sweetly sung by Relient K:

"cause when it's colder
i feel much better
when i cry on my own shoulder
i'll just throw on a sweater and go
and i'll go to undergo a surgery to purge me of this lonely mood
and my ego, the status quo, provides me with a decent attitude
and i'll go to undergo a change of heart, a change of clothes
and when i'm home, i'll think i'll go eat cereal and stare out the window"

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