March 23, 2009

Beauty Assignment

What is beauty? Our class had to discover it for ourselves. I say that beauty is in the form and the technique of the camera operator. Its about the meaning behind the subject. The emotion that it invokes in the viewer; connecting them to a memory of their past or an emotion that they haven't been able to express. Its in the tie between the mind of the artist and the heart of the viewer. Beauty is everywhere, and it can be ugly. My professor liked this one:

I can't explain how great it felt to see him pick mine out of everyone else's. These cigarettes were floating in a bucket of water under a stairs. It was behind the Career Beauty School downtown. I guess it's where all the drop outs go. It was so ghetto and there were literally hundreds of used cigarettes just laying everywhere. It smelled HORRIBLE. But I had fun, just me and my ipod and camera walking around town.

This picture was one of the best in the class and was put on the wall in our lab for everyone to see :)

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