March 23, 2009

Stephanie Mineer Photo Shoot- Color Assignment

The weather was beautiful (for once) in Rexburg this last weekend so Stephanie borrowed her roommate's car and hit the streets. She was such a great model, so much easier and more cooperative than my sisters :) we had a blast and her family loved the end result. Its great to see the things I've been "learning" finally work their way into my pictures. My teacher finally picked one of my images to talk about in our "beauty" assignment this last critique. Critiques are about the good pictures (usually) and I was so excited to see my hard work pay off. Its kind of hard to break through the cloudy artistic block that Rexburg has put on me. Its finally getting easier but I am excited to go home and work in places that are green instead of gray. Access to a car and people who don't have 15+ credit work loads will make things a little less stressful and more fun. But I have to say, these pictures turned out great. Enjoy!

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