January 4, 2011


Here i am, back at school in Rexburg. It feels so weird not to have my best friends here with me. Almost like losing my limbs, so i'm stuck limbless in my room trying to unpack while listening to a mix i made for J. wow. it just shouldn't be like this.

i miss the old madison who had a smile and felt normal. three months and counting of feeling like a zombie...

i wish i wasn't at school. it's not that i "don't like it" i just wish i was somewhere else doing something else. with the people i love.

yes, i do have friends here, and i'm grateful for them. i just miss what it should be like. those days were happy and exciting and comfortable. i'm not excited for this semester, and definitely not excited that i have to go to school tomorrow.

yeah, i am aware that i sound stupid and whiny and pathetic... but that's what blogs are for right?

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